Saturday, March 16, 2013

Putting a toe into the modern fray?

When we want to communicate with someone at a distance, we have oodles of options today.  No longer is our choice between writing a letter and mailing it for 12 cents, or making a long distance phone call for some high charge that you'd rather avoid. No longer do we think twice about talking with or even video-ing with family and friends about anywhere in the world. 
Having been one to drag my heels to change, always wondering what could be the down side of some decision, I have made what to me is a big step, with coaching and help from my next generation offspring, of course.
And what is this massive leap?  I signed up with an upstart cell phone company! Stepping away from one of the largest mainstream companies, I'm gaining freedoms and reducing costs.
So, to and with whom?  Ting.  Maybe you've heard of them, maybe not. They seem to be a good thing, kind of the next step in cell phone companies, abandoning the 2 year standard gotcha-locked contract. You might just want to check them out at (a wild web site name, eh?)  If you like what you see, and choose to give it a go, please use Kirk's Ting referral number and you and I will each save at least $25. Just the start of a good deal!
It is simple to understand and simple to make it so.  I expect to save a chunk of monthly money, too! There's no contract, as I mentioned, so you wouldn't be locked in if you find something to disagree with there.  Hey, give a holler if you choose to follow me! Perhaps you could take me out to someplace nice for dinner with the money you save...