Sunday, April 13, 2008

Spring - like every Spring

Today never passed mid 40's for temperature, started out rainy, mixed in some snow, but no accumulation. The snow gave something for people to talk about, in the universal and generic world of conversation. Ended up dry and some clear/sunny sky. Learned something about blogging, and may continue


Ann said...

Dad, you're an expert blogger already! :) You may even be promoted to a Gen-X'er. *wink wink*
Matt and Ann

Unknown said...

Oh, this is so fun!!!! :-) Hope you enjoy it! We love you!!! :-) (And love that title! ;-)

The Arizona Richters said...

This is fun, and watch out, it's addicting. We aren't missing the cold weather today. 80's today and very very sunny. Wind made it wonderful for me though. Welcome to blog-ology.

Unknown said...

So how's life going now? Anything terribly exciting? ;-)

Unknown said...

Tag! :-) Check my post for an example... I'm betting Mom might like this :-).