Sunday, June 10, 2012

Thoughts from Families Matter Most

Thoughts of interest and import to me...  these from the June 3, 2012 Church News Viewpoint article.

"Great parenting moments come unexpectedly - without fanfare or even fair warning.  Life isn't like the movies, when dramatic background music warns of lurking danger, so parents would know when to be at their wisest and most profound selves."

The uncredited author on the back page of the paper refers to "the significance of small and simple things to bring about great things" (see Alma 37:6-7).  He continues with listing "the power of a kind word, a thoughtful gesture, the rewarding acknowledgement, the seemingly insignificant events that sear themselves to the memory of a child and endow them to live life abundantly."

I, too, believe in the importance of small positive encouragements, sprinkled unsparingly with love and messages of individual worth. This, of course, resulting from many years of growth subsequent to my own children growing through their young years. As the article's author concludes, "Being a parent is about helping our children create happy memories, improve talents and build feelings of self-worth.  Being a parent is to help children see."

May we all help children, young or older, see the important things of life, the eternal things of life.


Ann said...

Thank you, Dad. I am grateful for those reminders today. It is amazing how something small and seemingly insignificant...even a few words, truly does sear into the memory of a child. So good to be reminded of that!

matt said...

Good article Dad! Thanks for sharing that :) Tonight I had the opportunity to give blessings to all my girls. It was a special time for all of us, though it was only a few minutes at the end of the night, and I hope it created a special memory for them. I know it did for me!

Bumpkin Hill said...

Such true words! Thanks for your kind visit to my blog, so glad it brings you joy.